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#Uptown girl billy joel rolling stone movie
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Billy Joel is the sixth-best-selling recording artist and the third-best-selling solo artist in the United States. He is a six-time Grammy Award winner, a 23-time Grammy nominee and one of the world’s best-selling artists of all time, having sold over 150 million records worldwide. Best known for his first hit song, ‘Piano Man’, in 1973, Billy has written and recorded thirty-three Top 40 hits in the United States. She’s been living in her white bred worldīilly Joel’s official YouTube channel features music videos, live performances, interviews, TV appearances and more. Watch more of Billy Joel’s official music videos

Watch the official music video for ‘Uptown Girl’, which became a Top 10 hit in the US that year. In 1983, Billy Joel released his album An Innocent Man, an album that traces Joel’s musical history through his teenage years in the late ’50s and early ’60s.